- Full year: mid August – mid May
- 1st Semester (Fall): mid August – mid December
- 2nd Semester (Spring): early January – mid May
Exchange Period | Nomination Deadline | Online Application Deadline |
Full year (mid August to mid May) | 15 April, 2025 | 27 April, 2025 |
1st semester (mid August to mid December) | 15 April, 2025 | 27 April, 2025 |
2nd semester (mid January to mid May) | mid October | late October |
*Students who do not meet the online application deadline cannot do the course pre-enrollment, course enrollment can only be done upon arrival at relative faculties.
There are two semesters, each lasts for 14 weeks in each academic year of the University of Macau. Classes normally start by the mid of August for the 1st semester and in beginning of January for the 2nd semester.
For further information about the academic calendar, please visit the web page at
1) Academic Transcript in English which shows the accumulated GPA of the nominees;
2) Programme & Year of Study the nominees are applying
3) CV
4) Personal Statement
5) Recommendation Letter from home university
6) The research project for Postgraduate Students if they would like to take research-based programs in UMacau
An online application link will be sent to each exchange student via email. Please prepare the following to be uploaded,
1) 1 Colored 1.5 Inch White Background Photo
2) Copy of ID Card & 港澳通行証 (For Mainland Exchange Students only)
3) Copy of Passport
4) Transcripts (latest academic report / course grades issued by home university)
5) Copy of Medical Insurance which covers the period of stay in Macau (if you would not like to join our University Medical Scheme, not applicable to Mainland Exchange Students)
1) Designated Medical Examination Form (Registry Office will send you the document with letter of acceptance after confirmation)
Remark 1. To be done within THREE months before coming to Macau (except Mainland China Exchange Students)
Remark 2. Medical check-up done at home country must be signed by home doctor for validation.
2) ENGLISH Report /Film of the X-Ray Test on Lungs
3) Copy of Tetanus Vaccination Record
4) 3 Colored 1.5 Inch Passport-sized Photos (with white background) for student visa application, UM registration and accommodation check-in
For more details about photograph specification, please visit http://www.dsi.gov.mo/documents/new_photo_format_e.pdf
If you have enquiries about course details and enrollment, you can contact the related Faculty colleague for more information.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature: Mr. Tak Wa Wong (takwawong@um.edu.mo)
- Department of English: Mr. Zoe Wong (zoewong@um.edu.mo)
- Department of History: Ms. Isa Chan (isachan@um.edu.mo)
- Department of Japanese Studies: Ms. Connie Chan (conniec@um.edu.mo)
- Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies: Ms. Maggie Wong (maggiewong@um.edu.mo)
- Department of Portuguese: Mr. Nuno Antunes (nunoant@um.edu.mo)/ Ms. Iny Chan (inychan@um.edu.mo)
Faculty of Business Administration
- Undergraduate Studies: Ms. Michelle Kuan (michellekuan@um.edu.mo)/ Mr. Tochi Leung (tochiltl@um.edu.mo)
- Postgraduate Studies: Ms. Karen Lau (karenlau@um.edu.mo)
Faculty of Education
- Ms. Jenniella Cheong (jenniellac@um.edu.mo)
Faculty of Law
- Ms. Joan Chiang (joanchiang@um.edu.mo)
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Department of Communication: Ms. Barbara Chin (barbarachin@um.edu.mo)
- Department of Government and Public Administration: Ms. Vivian Vong (vivianvong@um.edu.mo)
- Department of Economics: (fss.econ@um.edu.mo)
- Department of Sociology: Ms. Fiona Mak (fionamak@um.edu.mo)
- Department of Psychology: Ms. Xaviera Chong (xavierachong@um.edu.mo)
Faculty of Science and Technology
- Ms. Ingrid Ng (ingridng@um.edu.mo)